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Meet our Gardens


Brown's Cafe Herbal Garden

Located in the College of Natural Resources corner of campus—by Pat Browns Cafe—the space features a varietal mix of perennial and annual herbs.

Clark Kerr Garden

Led by the Housing and Dining Sustainability Advocates (HADSA), this garden includes both food-producing planter boxes and trees within the Clark Kerr residential hall.

Fannie Lou Hamer Garden

In the corner of Hearst Field Annex, the FLH Black Resource Center garden allows Black students to reclaim their right to grow healthy food and foster a safe space.


Guerilla Gardens

Located between Barker Hall and Li Ka Shing, this garden serves both the Guerrilla Gardeners and INC (Indigenous and Native Coalition).

La Loma Rooftop

The newest and tallest garden, the upcoming La Loma Rooftop is led by the Hispanic Engineers and Scientists club.

MCC Healing & Learning Garden

Located outside the Martin Luther King Jr. building, the Multicultural Community Center garden cultivates medicinal and healing herbs.



Founded in 1971, the Student Organic Gardening Association was a 1/4 acre community garden on Virginia and Walnut St. This space was closed December 2022, and is in a transformative, transitional, historicizing period.

Also: Gill Tract Farm

Located in Albany, the Gill Tract is a community project between UC Berkeley, Black Earth Farms, Sogorea Te Land Trust, and the community.

Oxford Tract  

Oxford Tract (OT) is located across from 1750 Walnut St in Berkeley. This space holds multiple different garden spaces as well as research projects.

These are Our Gardens!
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